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Jiwon at Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2025
Jiwon at Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2025
KNBA Year-end party 2024.12
NML Year-end party 2024.12
NML Outing dinner 2024.11
Jiwon, Jihyuk Awarded
at KBCS meeting 2024.11
KBCS meeting 2024.11
NML MT 2024.11
NML Outing lunch 2024.10
KBCS meeting 2024.05
KSBB meeting 2023.10
KBCS meeting 2023.05
Nagoya workshop 2023.05
Nagoya workshop 2023.05
Research Exchange at UPENN 2022.03-2023.02
KIChE meeting 2022.10
KIChE meeting 2022.10
KIChE meeting 2021.10
KSIEC conference 2021.05
KICHE conference 2021.04
Secret Santa event 2021.01
NML Meeting with Dongguk University and SeoulTech University 2020.07
2020 KSIEC conference 2020.10
NML Outing dinner 2020.04
NML Outing dinner 2020.04
1st NML HomeComing Day 2019.06
NML Outing Dinner at TOKYO
Inter-Lab seminar at the TOKYO
Institute of Technology 2019.06
Lab Outing dinner with TOKYO
Institute of Technology 2019.06
NML at KICHE 2019. 04
NML Outing dinner
after KICHE
in JEJU 2019.04
Prof. Choi's talk at the Tokyo Institute of Technology 2018. 12
Lab gathering after the inter-lab seminar at the Tokyo Institute of Technology 2018. 12
Professors Choi, Okochi and Tanaka 2018. 12
Yonghyun received the best poster award from YABEC 2018. 11
Prof. Choi's "Biofun" talk at YABEC 2018. 11
Prof. Choi's "Biofun" talk at YABEC 2018. 11