• Khan M.S. et al., Theranostics, 2020, 10, 2892. (교신저자)
• Chavan S. et al., ACS Sensors, 2019, 4, 11, 2937. (교신저자)
• Son J. et al., Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 99, 469. (교신저자)
• Hwang J. et al., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 17685. (교신저자)
• Kim Y., Hwang J. et al., Biomaterials, 2016, 89, 1. (교신저자)
"The targeted delivery of the c-Src peptide complexd with schizophyllan to macrophages inhibits polymicrobial sepsis and ulcerative colitis in mice"
Kim Y., Hwang J. et al., Biomaterials, 2016, 89, 1.
"A Novel Nanoprobe for Sensitive Detection of Inactivated Francisella tularensis"
Kim J. et al., Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 298, 188.
(50) Shin, S.; Han, D.; Park, M. C.; Mun, J. Y.; Choi, J.; Chun, H.; Kim, S.; Hong, J. W.; "Separation of extracellular nanovesicles and apoptotic bodies from cancer cell culture broth using tunable microfluidic systems", Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 9907, DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-08826-w. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.259, JCR 상위 15.6%)
(49) Jeong, H.; Hwang, J.; Lee, H.; Hammond, P.T.; Choi, J.*; Hong, J.*; "In vitro blood compatibility profiling of biopolymers used in molecular assembly", Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 9481, DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-10169-5. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.259, JCR 상위 15.6%)
(48) Choi, M.; Hwang, J.; Choi, J.*; Hong, J.*; "Multicomponent High-throughput Drug Screening via Inkjet Printing to Verify the Effect of Immunosuppressive Drugs on Immune T Lymphocytes", Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 6318, DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-06690-2. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.259, JCR 상위 15.6%)
(47) Yoo, M.; Shin, M.; Kim, Y.; Jang, M.; Choi, Y.; Han, S.O.; Choi, J.; Lee, J.; Park, C.; "Development of electrochemical biosensor for detection of pathogenic microorganism in Asian dust events", Chemosphere, 2017, 175, 269-274. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.208, JCR 상위 14.0%)
(46) Gajendiran, M.*; Choi, J.*; Kim, S.; Kim, K.; Shin, H.; Koo, H.; Kim, K.; "Conductive Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 25, 12–26. (SCIE, Impact Factor: 4.421, JCR 상위 10.4%)
(45) Goyal, G.; Hwang, J.; Jaiswal, A.; Seo, Y.; Jo, Y.; Son, J.; Choi, J.*; "Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using β-glucan and their incorporation in doxorubicin-loaded water-in-oil nanoemulsions for the anti-tumor and anti-bacterial applications", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 47, 179-186.(SCIE, Impact Factor: 4.421, JCR 상위 10.4%)
(44) Kim, J.; Hwang, J.; Seo, Y.; Jo, Y.; Son, J.; Choi, J.*; "Engineered chitosan-xanthan gum biopolymers effectively adhere to cells and readily release incorporated antiseptic molecules in a sustained manner", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 46, 68-79. (SCIE, Impact Factor: 4.421, JCR 상위 10.4%)
(34) Jeong, Y.; Lee, K.H.; Park, H.*; Choi, J.*; "Enhanced Detection of Single Cell-secreted Proteins using Fluorescent Immunochemistry on Protein G Terminated Glass Surface", International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 7197-7205. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.3, JCR 상위 34.5%)
(33) Kim J.; Hwang, J.; Kang, H.; Choi, J.*; "Chlorhexidine-loaded xanthan gum-based biopolymers for targeted, sustained release of antiseptic agent", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 32, 44-48. (SCIE, Impact Factor : 4.421, JCR 상위 10.4%)
(32) Seo, Y.; Kim, J.; Jeong, Y.; Lee, K.H.; Hwang, J.; Hong, J.W.; Park, H.S.*; Choi, J.*; "Engineered nanoconstructs for the multiplexed and sensitive detection of high-risk pathogens", Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 1944-1951. (SCI, Impact Factor: 7.367, JCR 상위 8.4%) *Inside cover article
(31) Gao, R.; Ko, J.; Cha, K.; Jeon, J.H.; Rhie, G.; Choi, J.; deMello, A.J.; Choo, J.; "Fast and sensitive detection of an anthrax biomarker using SERS-based solenoid microfluidic sensor", Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2015, 72, 230-236. (SCI, Impact Factor: 7.780, JCR 상위 2.6%)
(30) Hwang, J.; Jeong, Y.; Park, J.M.; Lee, K.H.; Hong, J.W.; Choi, J.*; "Biomimetics: Forecasting the future of science, engineering and medicine", International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 5701-5713. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.3, JCR 상위 34.5%)
(29) Kim, J.; Seo, Y.; Hwang, J.; Jeong, Y.; Hwang, M.P.; Lee, K.H.; Choo, J.; Rhie, G.; Jeon, J.H.; Hong, J.W.;
Choi, J.*;"A Novel Nanoprobe for Sensitive Detection of Inactivated Francisella tularensis", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 298:188-194. (SCI, Impact Factor: 6.065, JCR 상위 0.8%)
(28) Choi, J.; Hong, J.W.; Choo, J.; Yuh, J.; Lee, E.K.; "Micro 3D Cell Culture Systems for Cellular Behavior Studies: Culture Matrices, Devices, Substrates, and In-situ Sensing Methods", Biotechnology Journal, 2015, 10, 1682-1688. (SCIE, Impact Factor: 3.649, JCR 상위 25.6%)
(27) Hwang, J.; Jeong, Y.; Lee, K.H.; Kamaloo, E.; Camesano, T.A.; Hong, J.W.; Choi, J.*; "Simple preparation of fluorescent silicon nanoparticles from used wafers", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (22), 5982–5989. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.843, JCR 상위 25.2%)
(26) Ko, J.; Cha, K.; Hong, K.; Rie, G.; Choi, J.*; Choo, J.*; "Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Competitive Immunoassay of Poly-γ-D-Glutamic Acid for Highly Sensitive Detection of Anthrax", Bulletin of The Korean Chemical Society, 2015, 36 (3), 822–826. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.602)
(25) Mintai P. Hwang.; Yoon Jeong.; Suk Ho Bhang.; Taekyung Yu.; Jonghoon Choi.*; "An Environmentally-Conscious Approach to the Synthesis and Separation of Ultrasmall Si Nanoparticles", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016, 16 (7), 7091-7095. (SCIE, Impact Factor: 1.483)
(24)Jeong, Y.; Lim, D.; Choi, J.*; "Assessment of size-dependent antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties of silver nanoparticles", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 763807, 6 pages, 2014. DOI 10.1155/2014/763807 (SCIE, Impact Factor: 1.299)
(23)Choi, J.*; Park, H.; Kim, T.; Jeong, Y.; Hyeon T.; Gilad, A.A.; Lee, K.H.; "Engineered collagen hydrogels for the sustained release of biomolecules and imaging agents: promoting the growth of human gingival cells.”,
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014 Oct 17, 9 (1), 5189-5201. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.3, JCR 상위 34.5%)
(22)Seo, Y.; Hwang, J.; Kim, J.; Jeong, Y.; Hwang, M.P.; Choi, J.*; "Antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with silver nanoparticles", International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014, 9(1), 4621-4629. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.3, JCR 상위 34.5%)
(21)Choi, J.*; Jeong, Y.; Han, H.; Lee, K.H.; “Microdevices for examining immunological responses of single cells to HIV ”, Bioscience Reports, 2014 Aug 18. 34 (4):art:e00134. (PMID: 25028990) (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.906)
(20)Jeong, Y.; Choi, J.*; Lee, K.H.*; "Technology Advances for integrative analysis of stem cells",
Tissue Engineering Part B: Review, 2014, 20, 669-682. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.254)
(19)Choi, J.; Lee, J.; Hwang, M.P.; Lee, K.H.; “A glimpse into the interactions ofcells in a microenvironment: the modulation of T cells by mesenchymal stemcells”, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014, 9, 127-139. (PMID: 24872708) (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.3, JCR 상위 34.5%)
(18)Choi, J.; Kim, K.; Han, H.; Hwang, M.P.; Lee, K.H.; “Electrochemical synthesis of red fluorescent silicon nanoparticles”, Bulletin of The Korean Chemical Society, 2014 Jan; 35(1), 1-4. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.602)
(17)Kim, K.; Lee, K.H.; Lee, J.; Choi, J.*; “Overview of current standpoints in profiling of circulating tumorcells”, Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2014, 37 (1), 88-95. (PMID: 24214218) (SCIE, Impact Factor: 2.242)
(16)Park, H.; Hwang, M.P.; Lee, J.W.; Choi, J.; Lee, K.H.; “Harnessing immunomagnetic separation and quantum dot-based quantification capacities for the enumeration of absolute levels of biomarker”, Nanotechnology, 2013, Jul 19; 24(28): 285103. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.44, JCR 상위 21.8%)
(15)Love, K.R.; Bagh, S.; Choi, J.; Love, J.C.; “Microtools for single-cell analysis in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing”, Trends in Biotechnology, 2013 May; 31(5): 280-6. (SCI, Impact Factor: 11.126, JCR 상위 3.1%)
(14)Choi, J.; Park, S.; Stojanović, Z.; Han, H.; Lee, J.; Seok, H.K.; Uskoković, D.; Lee, K.H.; “Facile solvothermal preparation of monodisperse gold nanoparticles and their engineered assembly of ferritin-gold nanoclusters”, Langmuir, 2013, 29, 15698-15703. (PMID: 24283573). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.833, JCR 상위 19.6%)
(13)Stojanović, Z.; Otoničar, M.; Lee, J.; Stevanović, M.M.; Hwang, M.; Lee, K.; Choi, J.; Uskoković, D.; “The solvothermal synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nano crystals andpreparation of hybrid poly(L-lactide)-polyethyleneimine magnetic particles”, Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2013, 109, 238-243. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.887, JCR 상위 21.9%)
(12)Choi, J.; Love, K.R.; Gong, Y.; Gierahn, T.M.; Love, J.C.; “Immuno-hybridization chain reaction enhances detection of individualcytokine-secreting human peripheral mononuclear cells”, Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 6890-6895. (PMID: 21812465). (SCI, Impact Factor: 6.32, JCR 상위 5.3%)
(11)Choi, J.; Kim, K.; Kim, T.; Liu, G.; McMahon, M.T.; Hyeon, T.; Bulte, J.W.M.; Fisher, J.; Gilad, .A.; “Multimodalimaging of sustained drug release from 3-D poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF)scaffolds”,
Journal of Controlled Release, 2011, 156, 239-245. (PMID: 21763735). (SCI, Impact Factor: 7.786, JCR 상위 12.0%)
(10)Choi, J.; “Recent Patents of Nanodevices for Single Cell Immunological Assays”, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 2011, 5, 178-187. (PMID: 21658002). (SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.912)
(9)Choi, J.; Reipa, V.; Hitchins, V. M.; Goering, P. L.; Malinauskas, M.; “Physicochemical characterization and in vitrohemolysis evaluation of silver nanoparticles”, Toxicological Sciences, 2011, 123, 133-143. (PMID: 21652737). (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.081, JCR 상위 12.0%)
(8)Zhao, W.; Schafer, S.; Choi. J.; Yamanaka, Y. J.; Lou Lombardi, M.; Bose, S.; Carlson, A.; Weisuong, T.; Droujinine, I.; Cui, C.; Jain, R. K.; Lammerding, J.; Love, J. C.; Lin, C. P.; Sarkar, D.; Karnik, R.; Karp, J. M.; “Cell-surface sensors for real-time probing of cellularenvironments”, Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 6, 524-531. (PMID: 21765401). (SCI, Impact Factor: 38.986, JCR 상위 0.7%)
(7)Kim, T.; Momin, E.; Choi, J.; Yuan, K.; Zaidi, H.; Kim, J.; Park, M.; Lee, N.; McMahon, M.T.; Hyeon, T.; Quinones-Hinojosa, A.; Bulte, J.W.M.; Gilad, A.A.; “Mesoporous silica-coated hollow manganese oxidenanoparticles as positive T1 contrast agents for labeling and MRI tracking ofadipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells”, Journal of The American Chemical Society, 2011, 133 (9), 2955-2961. (PMID: 21314118). (SCI, Impact Factor: 13.858, JCR 상위 6.0%)
(6)Reipa, V.; Purdum G.; Choi, J.; "Measurement ofthe nanoparticle concentration using quartz crystal microgravimerty”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 2010, 114 (49), 16112–16117. (PMID: 20961086). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.177, JCR 상위 33.6%)
(5)Choi, J.; Wang, N.S.; Reipa, V.; “Electrochemical reduction synthesis of photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals”, Langmuir, 2009, 25, 7097-7102. (PMID: 19449822). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.833, JCR 상위 19.6%)
(4)Choi, J.; Zhang, Q.; Stratmeyer, M.E.; Wang, N. S.; Reipa, V.; Hitchins, V. M.; Goering, P. L.; “Comparison ofcytotoxic and inflammatory responses of photoluminescent silicon nanoparticleswith silicon micron-sized particles in RAW 264.7 macrophages”, Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2009, 29, 52-60. (PMID: 18785685). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.159, JCR 상위 28.3%)
(3)Choi, J.; Wang, N.S.; Reipa, V.; “Conjugation of the photoluminescent silicon nanoparticles to streptavidin”, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2008, 19, 680-685. (PMID: 18290602). (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.818, JCR 상위 12.8%)
(2)Choi, J.; Tung, S.; Wang, N.S.; Reipa, V.; “Small-angle neutron scattering measurement of silicon nanoparticle size”, Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 0857151-0857158. (PMID: 21730746). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.44, JCR 상위 21.8%)
(1)Choi, J.; Wang, N.S.; Reipa, V.; “Photoassisted tuning of silicon nanocrystal photoluminescence”, Langmuir, 2007, 23, 3388-3394. (PMID: 17295527). (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.833, JCR 상위 19.6%)
(12) Hwang, J.; Seo, Y.; Choi, J.*; "Facile and Effective Detection of Vitamin C on a Paper Based Kit", KSBB J. 2016, 31(1): 46-51. (Non-SCI)
(11) Han, J.; Choi, J.; Bhang, S.H.*; “Stem cell therapy in cardiovascular diseases: The reparative mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cells for myocardial infarction treatment”, J. Cell Sci. Ther. 2014, 5: 167.
(10) 최종훈 (2014). 해양 스폰지 미생물 공생체에 대한 유전학적 고찰. BRIC View 2014-R10. Available from http://bric.postech.ac.kr/myboard/read.php?Board=report&id=2225 (Jul 29, 2014)
(9) Jonghoon Choi; Hwang, M.P.; Jong-Wook Lee; Kwan Hyi Lee, "Interactions between mesenchymal stem cells and T cells on a single cell level a nanowell array," Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED), 2012 IEEE 6th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.111,116, 4-7 Nov. 2012 doi: 10.1109/NANOMED.2012.6509135
(8) 정윤, 이관희, 최종훈, 세포의 배양과 분석을 위한 나노 및 마이크로 기술 동향, Polymer Science and Technology, Vol.24, No.3, 238-244, 2013
(7) 최종훈, 융합연구를위한다학제간연구자들의놀이터? - MIT Media Lab, BT News, 2014 Vol.21 No.1
(6) Choi, J.; “Engineered microdevices for single cell immunological assay”, IBC 2010, vol. 2, no. 2, article no. 1, 1-12. (DOI: 10.4051/ibc.2010.2.2.0001).
(5) Jonghoon Choi and Nam Sun Wang, Nanoparticles in Biomedical Applications and Their Safety Concerns, in the book "Biomedical Engineering - From Theory to Applications" edited by Reza Fazel-Rezai, ISBN 978-953-307-637-9, InTech, August 8, 2011
(4) Jonghoon Choi ; Qin Zhang ; Victoria M. Hitchins ; Nam Sun Wang ; Vytas Reipa; Cytotoxicity of the photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals. Proc. SPIE 6645, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IV, 66451Q (September 11, 2007); doi:10.1117/12.734222.
(3) Jonghoon Choi ; Peter Niarhos ; Nam Sun Wang ; Vytas Reipa; Covalent attachment of photoluminescent silicon nanoparticles to streptavidin. Proc. SPIE 6645, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices IV, 664523 (September 11, 2007); doi:10.1117/12.734201.
(2) Vytas Reipa and Jonghoon H. Choi, Measurement of Silicon Nanoparticle Concentration using Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry, ECS Trans. 2009 25(9): 167-175; doi:10.1149/1.3211174
(1) Vytas Reipa and Jonghoon H. Choi, Electrochemical Reduction Synthesis of Photoluminescent Silicon Nanocrystals, ECS Trans. 2009 25(11): 57-68; doi:10.1149/1.3236408